Author Archives: Paul

Marklin 00/HO Track 1935 – 1950

Marklin track changed greatly over the years due to changing designs, available resources, and functionalities.

Here are some of the main track variations over the years 1935 – 1950.  There are many variations of Marklin track especially during WWII when available resources greatly influenced the look of the track.  For instance, towards the end of WWII there is a Marklin track without any roadbed designs because the factory which printed the roadbed design for Marklin was destroyed in a bombing raid.  As such, tracks from this time period do not have any roadbed designs.



1937 – 1938

1939 – 1942

1945 – 1946

1946 – 1947

1947 – early 1950s

Marklin Patents 1909 – 1942 [Kupplung]

Very rarely does an opportunity present itself  to look  “behind the scenes” of the Marklin factory.  Original instruction sheets, customer catalogs, and dealer items often give added value to Marklin items and set the context of the toy pieces, allowing us to imagine how they were originally sold to Marklin enthusiasts long ago.  Sometimes we are even given the chance to look at a Marklin dealer’s side of the operation such as in the article on Richard Marklin Toys.   Browsing through dealer catalogs, binders, and price-lists also gives us added insight in how dealers interacted with the Marklin factory, but how often do we actually get to see what happened on the production side of the toys at the Marklin factory in Goppingen, Germany?

Marklin Patents Folder

Marklin Patents 1909 & 1938

A blue, musty folder riddled with the signs of old age and many years of storage holds the secrets of Marklin’s engineering brilliancy in the form of original Marklin patents issued from the years 1909 to 1942.  Undoubtedly an incredible insight into Marklin’s clear advantage in the toy industry in the early 20th Century.  Here, the detailed design plans of some of Marklin’s greatest inventions and ingenuous designs are revealed for all to see.

A patent for “Gebr. Marklin & Cie.” dated 15.JANUAR 1942:

Märklin during World War II

Märklin has survived several generations of ownership, three factory relocations, eight gauges of toy trains, and two world wars, but the most crucial and undoubtedly pivotal time was during World War II.  With its introduction of 00 Scale in 1935, Märklin faced huge potential; the smaller scale required fewer raw materials and the dream of creating an expansive model railroad complete with stations, bridges and track accessories was realized for many hobbyists. The range of 00 Scale production expanded at a quickening pace:  the SLR 700 in 1936, the HR 700 and HS 700 locomotives in 1937, the CCS 700 prototype in 1938, and the “Perfekt” reverse system of the 800 series in 1938.  These models were also offered to export markets and sometimes detailed with special paint schemes or additions.  In 1937 and 1938, export models were sent to Great Britain and were painted in the LMS and LNER livery.

Despite its rapid progress, Märklin foresaw the early warning signs of a war.  The last full-release customer catalog was produced in 1940 and contained no new models.  The dream of a 00 scale crocodile was never realized and the CCS 700 prototype was put off until the postwar years.  But Märklin’s pre-war wariness did not show weakness or hesitation, it showed genius.  By not expanding its product range, Märklin vouchsafed a steady flow of revenue during WWII by producing models that had not changed much since 1938.  This required far less materials and technical complexity of the later “Super-Modelle” series from the immediate postwar production.

Märklin employees assemble and test SK 800 locomotives in late 1945.

During the course of the war, Märklin maintained a difficult balance of the production of war materials and toys all the way up to early 1943 when the production of toys ceased.   Märklin had the task of producing the Entlastungzunder 44 (E.Z. 44), a device commonly used to prevent the removal of mines which would detonate when lifted.  These pressure-lifting devices required special fuses, springs, and clockwork mechanisms.  Märklin’s penchant for producing precision technical toys suited them perfectly for this task.  Although Märklin is known as the primary producer of the E.Z. 44, some examples have been found with a marking which is believed to be that of Shuco, a German toy manufacturer.

Design drawing of the Entlastungzunder 44 (E.Z. 44) pressure-lifting device.

During World War II, the Werhmacht assigned production codes to factories that aided the war effort.   Märklin carried the production code “BKG” on the Werhmacht production list.  Similarly, Fleischmann and Wiking had their own Werhmacht production codes, “BZF” and “BXY” respectively.  These production codes would be stamped on crates or engraved into metal goods.  Märklin also produced other technical instruments and machined parts for the war effort including detonators, belt buckles, torpedo motors, and aircraft instruments.  One account from a U.S. Army intelligence officer who visited the factory towards the end of the war states that these war materials were produced in a special section of the Märklin factory located on the lower floors concealed behind a single, unmarked door.  When the American officer visited the Märklin factory to gather intelligence, he was given a complete set of Märklin trains including the 351 F “Fuhrer” wagon, a seemingly controversial gift of the time.

U.S. Soldiers observe layout in the Märklin factory showroom and browse a pre-war catalog with a Märklin salesman.

In addition to its forced production of war materials to support the war effort, Märklin also protected itself from the unstable and violent political climate of the time.  Although no records point to a formal affiliation between Märklin and the Nazi party, Märklin did produce articles which portrayed the symbol of the German socialist party.  These items include the 351 F with two Nazi eagles affixed to the coach’s sides, the 5521/10 Mercedes Fuhrer car, the 00 Scale 406 Nazi flag, and the large-gauge 2611 H Nazi flag.  Only one of these items is pictured in Märklin’s customer catalogs and only some of the others can be found in supplemental catalogs.  Compared to other toy companies in Germany during WWII, Märklin’s production of toys which included the Nazi symbol was extremely minimal and on a very small-scale.

When war production stopped, Märklin still had over 700 employees and restarted production of toy trains to be sold in 1945.  Although the city of Goppingen was relatively protected because it was a Red Cross camp, it still faced involvement in the war simply because of its many factories and railway centers.  On April 12, 1945 the 9th Air Force escorted by the 95th Air Force bombed a marshalling yard at Goppingen, crippling railroads in the area.  Weeks later, over 1,200 8th Air Force “Forts and Libs” (Fortresses and Liberators) flew to Southern Germany to destroy rail centers in the towns of Hellbronn, Bruschsal and Goppingen.  Although some sources say that Goppingen was untouched by these bombings, it is difficult to determine the outcomes of these bombing raids.

Due to the stress of the war, production dropped from a pre-war average of 65,000 trains to an average of 25,000 trains per year during World War II.  The main source of revenue for Märklin during the wartime was the domestic sale of pre-war trains that continued production into the early years of the war.  Towards the end of Nazi occupation in Europe, trains were also sold through special PX-shops located throughout Europe which offered Märklin miniature railway sets for sale to American GIs and local civilians.  Several PX sets were offered in late 1945 including the SK 841/4, SK 851/4, HR 841/4, HR 851/4, and RS 827 which were all sold in either red set boxes similar to the pre-war versions or a special “PX Box,” a plain brown box with “110 Volts” stamped on the front for American export.  These train sets were sometimes shipped to the United States in wooden crates via the military postal service.  The SK 800 locomotives sold during this time were a special “bruniert” type, unique because of their burnished black finish. These sets also have a distinctive “PX track” because in Nurnberg, the factory that printed roadbed designs on the 00 Scale Märklin tracks was destroyed during a bombing.  For this reason, tracks that were sold during wartime and the immediate postwar period are either leftover pre-war tracks or tracks without a printed roadbed.   The instruction sheets included in these sets, “Instructions for the Electric Miniature Railway Gauge 00,” are commonly found with print code “A 0845 r,” denoting a print date of August, 1945.

An SK 841 PX-set marked 11/1945 which was sold to an American soldier stationed in Germany.

Märklin’s production of toys was so important to Germany that in late 1945 the “Welt Im Film” (World in Film) news crew filmed the Märklin factory and showed its incredible postwar success.  The segment was called “Göppingen: Eine Friedliche Industrie” (Goppingen: A Peaceful Industry) and portrayed the remarkable strength of the Märklin factory.  The newsreel shows several key aspects of the factory including the main production floor, the factory showroom with several American soldiers running locomotives on a layout, and the humble beginnings of the Märklin museum displays.

Märklin had survived the war and found itself in the perfect position for the 1947 introduction of the “Super-Modelle” series which had been a dream since the early pre-war CCS 700 prototype of 1938.  American soldiers stationed in Germany for the rebuilding of the country were delighted to see locomotives of the “Super-Modelle” series based on American designs like the electric DL 800 locomotive.  Märklin’s inclusion of such American models could possibly be seen as recognition of the important role which American soldiers played in Märklin’s survival during WWII.

This article was featured in the ETE EXPRESS in Issue 128 (4th Quarter 2010)

Guide to Marklin 00/HO Boxes 1935 – 1943

As many collectors know, original boxes for Marklin toys and trains can significantly increase the value of their treasured contents.  In their original use, boxes and sometimes wooden crates were merely meant to safely transport their contents. But today, boxes provide collectors with a better look at where the toys came from and add to the piece’s provenance and overall charm.  

The range of Scale 00/HO Marklin boxes has changed drastically over the years.   Boxes can be very helpful in dating toys and add considerably to the overall value of a train set or individual train.  Collectors are willing to pay higher prices if the original box is included. In this guide we’ll review some of the common box styles, what periods they were produced, and the different characteristics of each.  We’ll be careful to note for each box style how they compare to reproduction boxes and how to spot them.

1935 – 1936

The earliest 00 Scale box was similar in design to previous Marklin boxes for larger scales:  it had a black and orange label on a plain brown box.  This box was used from 1935 to 1936, but sometimes we even see it in early 1937.  Characteristics that differ with this early box is that the perforation on the top and bottom of the label extends all the way across the label edge in a uniform line.  Later boxes have different perforation patterns including some labels that only have a few perforation holes in the center of the label.  Postage stamp collectors will easily notice that this perforation is called the “pin hole” technique and actually punches a whole for the paper.  It’s not clear why Marklin used this technique on it’s labels as the labels certainly were not torn but rather cut along the perforation line.

The earliest of 00/HO boxes have other characteristics reminiscent of boxes of large-gauge Marklin items from a similar time.  For instance, some early 700 series locomotives were packed with straw hay for extra padding during transport.  This straw was often inside brown paper to protect the paint from damage.  As many collectors know, however, this paper often stuck to the lacquer of the Marklin locomotives if it hadn’t completely dried or if the piece was stored in an area with slight heat that would make the lacquer “sticky.”

Although we don’t have a date stamp on this box below, we are fairly certain it is from 1935 because it contained a first version R 700.  It’s very possible, though, that this box was actually from 1936 production.

Marklin 1935 (possibly ’36) box for R 700 locomotive


Marklin Box Style from 1935-36 with 1936 stamp

Reproduction boxes are very common from this early period as well.  They can be very convincing but by studying small differences and the stamps we can easily spot replicas.  Certain stamps like “K” “CH” and “U” are used on reproduction boxes, but were never used on certain original boxes.

A study of 3 reproduction boxes from Hans-Willi Walter described properly as replicas


A reproduction RS 700 box with incorrect “U” stamp, faded pink 20 Volts label, and improper date stamp (1933?) in upper left.


An original box for comparison dated 1936 (1st quarter) with “M” stamp.

Early Set Boxes for 00/HO


Set boxes for Marklin train sets from 1935-36 were commonly found in a purple colored carton with an illustrated picture of a railway scene on the box top.  The sets also had orange/white labels indicating the set number (example: R 727, or others listed here) and also the voltage label (20 VOLT).

Marklin Set Box Cover from 1935-36

The boxed sets had the orange “faces” label as seen below.  

Marklin Set Box labels of the 1930s with large stamp letters on faces label


The next type of box had a orange and white label and a similar brown box that was lighter in color.   This type of box was used from 1937 to 1938 but there was another kind of box also introduced in 1938 that will be discussed next.


The year 1938 brought many changes to Marklin.  The “Perfect Reverse” system was introduced as well as a change in design of boxes for the entire range of 00 Scale production.  Marklin introduced their famous red-diamond or bicycle box (named because of the pattern of the red Marklin logo which looked like a bicycle).  This type of box was used for the remained of our focus of discussion (up to 1956) but in many different variations.  The type of box pictured below was used from 1938 to 1943.  Locomotive boxes had an orange and white label and coaches and wagons had a plain white label.

Marklin Red-Diamond Box for R 800 with Orange/White Label



Marklin Accessory Box Stamped 1938

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