Temporary Floor Layout
A small temporary layout with some models including the RS 800 and the R 700 A. [nggallery id=2]
A small temporary layout with some models including the RS 800 and the R 700 A. [nggallery id=2]
In 1956, Märklin was still feeling the effects of the Second World War as they had to adapt to the changing environment in Europe. The following letter below was sent from the Märklin factory to a collector in Illinois in the year 1956.
What brings particular interest to this letter and especially its historical resonance, is the following quotation:
Many other references and books specifically declare that Märklin facilities remained untouched during World War II and that Märklin continued producing trains and toys shortly after the war ended. Thus, Märklin had to maintain a friendly relationship with allied soldiers in order for them to remain production under the unstable German government and situation. Knowing that many American soldiers would possibly try to prevent this production and manufacture of Märklin’s toys, Märklin produced a special “starter set” for American soldiers during and after the war. This set was sold in a plain brown box (red ink was not used) and stamped on the outside with marking numbers. The sets included the correct voltage for US use and contained either an SK 800 or RS 800 locomotive with passenger cars, rolling stock, track, a transformer, and other accessories.
This letter, however, points to a different story that possibly included using Märklin museum models as a form of bribery for whomever attempted to halt Märklin toy and train production during the “after-war time.” One must wonder where these early museum examples ended up and how much of the museum was actually “sold off” or “destroyed.”
The only piece of information that we can know with absolute certainty is that the Märklin factory stood strong in 1956 as seen in this factory photo which accompanied the letter in a large brown envelope.
Märklin layouts have changed over the years and looking back to the layouts in the catalogs of the 1930s, we can see the different track plans when compared to a layout proposed in the 1960s or 1970s. Many of the layouts were influenced by the accessories offered by Märklin or the realism that the layout operator wanted. Today layouts are designed to the highest level of realism, but mastering the designs of vintage layouts requires a different focus.
3600 A Section 7″ long
3600 A1/2 Half Section 3 1/2″
3600A1/4 Quarter Section 1 3/4″ long
3600 D Section 7″ long
3600 D1/2 Half section 3 1/2″ long
3600 D1/4 Quarter section 1 3/4″ long
3600 D1/8 Eight section 7/8″ long
3600 AA – curved
3600 DA – straight
3600 W – hand operation
13600 EMW – electro-magnetic operation with cable
13600 EMWB – electromagnetic operation with lanterns
A simple oval in a 1936 catalog
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