Category: Historical Articles

Interesting articles on Marklin collecting, operating, and the general history of Marklin.

Marklin Crocodiles: Genealogy of the Swiss CCS 800 Locomotive

The CCS 800 Swiss crocodile is perhaps one of the most beautiful and exotic-looking locomotives of the time.  Its articulated design makes it an engineering marvel.  Seeing it traverse the mountainous regions of Switzerland must have been an incredible sight!  Without question, the scale models produced by Marklin of this Swiss legend for almost a century paid close attention to

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Catalog of Collectibles: hobbyDB adds Marklin Cars, Trains, and More

hobbyDB of Boulder, Colorado has the ambitious mission of cataloging all collectibles in their Wikipedia-style catalog and search engine.  Particularly interesting to Marklin collectors is the Marklin brand page which already has a nice overview of the company and the various categories where collectibles have been added.  hobbyDB knows that collectors often like to get very detailed about describing their prized

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Hans-Peter Porsche TraumWerk: A Dream World for Railway and Toy Fans

Since its opening in June 2015, the Hans-Peter Porsche TraumWerk has delighted its guests with a model railway of around 400 square meters in size, legendary vintage cars and a huge collection of rare toys. The TraumWerk resides in the upper Bavarian municipalities Anger/Aufham in the region Berchtesgadener Land.  Here Hans-Peter Porsche, grandson of the legendary company founder Prof. Dr. H. c. Ferdinand Porsche,

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Sail first class with Marklin toy boats and submarines

Engage your eyes with nautical treasures as we set sail on a journey through some of Marklin’s finest sea-fairing vessels.  Around the turn of the last century Marklin began producing a wonderful array of tin boats and submarines.  The broad range included early battleships with real cap-gun canons, steam paddle boats, large ocean liners with huge smoke stacks, and war-ready

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