Category: Historical Articles

Interesting articles on Marklin collecting, operating, and the general history of Marklin.

Marklin Dealer Promotionals and Sales Aids

Sales Aids Advertising has always been a key activity by Märklin in the promotion of their products, through their catalogues, giveaway leaflets and brochures but also newspaper and magazine content.  Märklin retailers would often have large signs and posters for the dealer to draw attention to and within their shop. These items were almost never found in the regular annual ‘public’

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Marklin War Toys: The Boer War Armored Train Panzerzug (Part 2)

Continuing on our series of Marklin toys and trains reflecting history, and specifically the history of war, we explore the Marklin armored trains (or Panzerzug). The “Panzerkanonenwagen” (from 1904: “Panzer-Geschützwagen”) was available individually from 1900 to early 1909 under the number 1853 / I. The train was available in gauges O, I, and II and in a completely different form

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3D Printing Model Railroad Buildings: Marklin Villa Edition

The Marklin Villa has always been a “dream item” for Marklin collectors. For those that don’t know the legend of this wonderful piece, it’s worth first reading the wonderful article on Tischbahn (in the German language). As a quick summary, the Marklin Villa was never a full-production model or shown for sale in any catalog. Legend goes that it was

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